
Showing posts from 2012

unlock mobile sony sk17i from too many pattern attemps

You can check whether or not the phone is "hard locked" as a result of incorrectly entering an unlock code. tap the following in - as if you were dialing a number to make  phone a call... *#*'#7378423#*#* A new "hidden" menu will appear. Tap on "service info" Tap on "SIM lock" Look at the entry for "Network" - there's a number after it.   That number is how many unlocking attempts you have left - so if it shows zero - "0" - then you'll know that you've reached the limit for unlock code entries - i.e. [x] Network 0 If it shows a number higher than zero, the problem lies elsewhere. Also - when looking at that "Network" entry, there are brackets in front of the name that will look something like this... [x] Network 5 If there's no x in those brackets, it means that the phone is already unlocked, e.g. [] Network 5 - that's an unlocked phone which may also b...

JavaHL problem in eclipse solved

In most of the cases is due to the lack of the libsvn-java library, so just install it: $ sudo apt-get install libsvn-java         Now you have to tell eclipse where to find this libraries. First, locate where the is: view sourceprint? $ sudo updatedb      now run:                                                                                                                                                                               $ locate     /usr/lib/jni/lib...

jqery plugin for pupup bubbles

hi, I share link for popup bubbles.

keyboard shortcut jquery plugin

Here is link.

easy eclipse set in ubuntu linux

To install eclipse on ubuntu you need to download it first from Extract the downloaded file by right click on it and extract here or running the following: tar xzf dir / eclipse - SDK - 3.3 . 1.1 - linux - gtk . tar . gz Where eclipse-SDK- is your eclipse-SDK name with version and dir is the directory of eclipse-sdk. Now move it to the root directory. Apply the following command to do this. sudo mv dir / eclipse ~   Now you are ready to configure your eclipse. To do this follow the following step by step... sudo mv eclipse / home/<your user name>/opt /   Take care of the permissions: sudo chmod - R + r / home/<your user name>/opt / eclipse sudo chmod + x / home/<your user name>/opt / eclipse / eclipse Create an executable in your path: sudo touch / usr / bin / eclipse sudo chmod 755 / usr / bin / eclipse sudo gedit / usr / bin / eclipse Copy the following content and save the file: ...

liferay tomcat setup on ubuntu linux

Open terminal : CTRL+ALT+T 1. run on terminal: 2. sudo nano /etc/profile 3. add these line : export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/ export LIFERAY_HOME=/usr/local/liferay-portal-6.0.6/tomcat-6.0.29 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$LIFERAY_HOME/bin:$PATH replace this by your jdk, liferay path . 4. allow execution for all files location in $LIFERAY_HOME/bin cd $LIFERAY_HOME/bin chmod +x *.sh 5. logout and relogin 6. cd $LIFERAY_HOME/bin ./

how to how to hotspot wifi in ubuntu linux

go to System settings > Network > Wireless > Use as hotspot > Configure (or 'Edit connections' under your connections > Edit the hotspot connection) Switch to IPv6 Settings tab > Set Method to 'Ignore' and confirm/save in terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) run the following command to kill all dnsmasq processes: sudo killall dnsmasq go to System settings > Network > Wireless > Use as hotspot use these steps. It should work

best way to add external jar in pom.xml in maven

<dependency>             <groupId>jasen</groupId>             <artifactId>jasen</artifactId>             <version>4.0</version>             <systemPath>${project.basedir}\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\lib\jasen-4.0.jar</systemPath>             <scope>system</scope>   </dependency>

port forwarding

If you want do port forwarding for your local server like DVR, HTTP , etc do the following steps 1.Login to Router Configuration using ip address put user name as Admin and default password as password. 2.Then press Advanced Setup in that tag Press NAT 3.Press virtual server tab 4.Select Index as 1 5. Give some application name and all protocol 6.Give start port default http port is 80, since give start port as 80 and end port also 80 (due to we are using only one port). 7. Finally give your local ip address of DVR or HTTP server. Thats all, now all request for port 80 will be forwarded to your local server

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

I had a similar problem when running a spring web application in an Eclipse managed tomcat. I solved this problem by adding maven dependencies in the project's web deployment assembly. 1) Open the project's properties (e.g., right-click on the project's name in the project explorer and select "Properties") 2) select "Deployment Assembly" 3) Click the "Add..." button on the right margin 4) Select "Java Build Path Entries" from the menu of Directive Type and click "Next" 5) Select "Maven Dependencies" from the Java Build Path Entries menu and click "Finish". You should see "Maven Dependencies" added to the Web Deployment Assembly definition.

Spring Security ACL

ACL Spring Security tutorial By Andrei Tudose and Ovidiu Gheorghies In this article we show how to implement a simple yet meaningful Spring Security based web application using PostgreSQL as a database backend. The learning curve for effective Spring Security usage was pretty steep for us, and we now write the article we wish we would have had in front of our eyes from the very beginning. As die-hard fans of PostgreSQL for its ease of use, scalability and extensibility, we faced a few perks now and then, but having learned how to deal with them, we are now happy to share. Most web applications use security to separate those who have to right to perform an action from those who don’t. In its simplest form, this may mean that registered users may post messages, unregistered users may only read them, while administrators can exercise their free will into editing, deleting, banning or generally annoying people. For more complex and realistic applications, one cannot si...

Why String is immutable or final in Java

related link :::::

Differences between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java

You can find here:

Key Differences between Vector and ArrayList in Java

related link:::

Submitting form using Fancybox Ajax capabilities within an iFrame

there is two way: 1: $ ( "a.interested" ). fancybox ({                 'width' : 400 ,                 'height' : 400 ,                 'enableEscapeButton' : false ,                 'overlayShow' : true ,                 'overlayOpacity' : 0 ,                 'hideOnOverlayClick' : false ,                 'type' : 'iframe' ,                 'href' : "/components/profile/buyer/regbuyer1.php" //or any other url that contains the contents of that iframe             });   2:   $ ( "a.interested" ). click ( function (){     $ . ajax : {         type     : "POST" ...

How to fetch only data value using ajax

To fetch data from ajax response follow this...... $.ajax({           url: your_url,           success: function(req){             var data = new Array();             var pairs = req.split("&");             for (i = 0; (i < pairs.length); i++) {               var nameAndValue = pairs[i].split("=");               var name = unescape(nameAndValue[0]);               var value = unescape(nameAndValue[1]);               data[name] = value;                           }...

jquery code to detect ctrl+F1 key

jQuery(document).keydown(function(event){       if(event.keyCode==17)           {           jQuery(document).one("keyup",function(e){           if(e.keyCode==112)               $("#addSession").click();           });           }   });